WiFi Technology

WiFi Technology

30% of Netflix Subs Take Premium Service

30% of Netflix Subs Take Premium Service

Parks Associates’ recent OTT video research reported that despite a price increase in October 2017, 30% of Netflix subscribers are now in their premium service tier. This is up from 21% in late 2017. Netflix’s basic tier fell from 35% of subscribers in late 2017 to...

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Measuring Campaign Return for OTT and CTV

Measuring Campaign Return for OTT and CTV

According to Nielsen, early two-thirds of U.S. households have access to a connected TV device offering endless media options. In their interview with Dan Robbins, Head of Ad Research at Roku, he answered some questions on measuring campaign return in the OTT (over...

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European Smart Home Growth

European Smart Home Growth

Over the past decade, availability, awareness, and reach in smart home technology has increased exponentially. The North American market has maintained a lead in development and adoption of this market, and demand is increasing in other regions of the world. ABI...

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