Top Technology Trends of 2019, IHS Markit

by | Jan 22, 2019 | Market Research | 0 comments

tech trends

IHS Markit recently released their “Top Trends of 2019: Powered by Transformative Technology” white paper that explores how technology is becoming more powerful and changing our interactions with the world around us. IHS identified three key trends that are expected to impact commercial and consumer markets: video everywhere, edge computing, and artificial intelligence.


Video Everywhere

The video industry has seen significant change as the number of companies are diving into the video business and competing for consumer attention. Subscriptions for online OTT video and traditional media players are expected to double from 2017 to 2022. Other industries like security, education and healthcare are also becoming more reliant on video technology.


Edge Computing

Edge computing is transforming network deployment and how devices are made.

Its large bandwidth requirement poses a challenge, and the need to reduce upstream traffic. 92% of edge thought leaders surveyed indicated that video content delivery is an area of concern.


Artificial Intelligence

AI technology has grown across many industries. IHS Markit predicts that by 2025, more than 170 million AI systems will be implemented in the automotive sector alone. Algorithm development and methods and enhance efficiency and problem solving are amongst the components that need to mature and advance.


Other technology insights covered in the white paper include:  5G, blockchain, the human-machine interface (HMI), next-generation cloud gaming, and IoT.

For more information or to download the white paper, click here.

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