Provider Opportunities in Consumer IoT

by | Jan 14, 2019 | Market Research | 0 comments


ABI Research UnTelco for Consumer IoT: Telco Opportunities and Market Activities report suggests that there are significant opportunities to be had by Mobile Services Providers (MSPs) in consumer IoT. ABI forecasts that the MSPs consumer IoT market will be worth $6.6 billion by 2023.

Consumer IoT is a fragmented market where connectivity plays an essential role. MSPs can capitalize on driving growth. By leveraging consumer IoT and smart home offerings and developing a strategy that support connectivity within and outside of the home, MSPs can shape their opportunities in order to become preferred digital and technology suppliers.

Additional observations:

  • Comcast developed a smart home business built from the home security vertical.
  • Telefonica is now targeting the smart home viaAura, its AI virtual assistant.
  • Vodafone has the most developed offerings in the consumer IoT market. Their strategy included the launch of multiple products in various countries and tailoring “V by Vodafone” to unite the products.
  • Through partnerships with EasyPark, Folksam, and Viking, Telia created an ecosystem that supports their connected car.

For more information from ABI Research’s UnTelco for Consumer IoT: Telco Opportunities and Market Activities report, click here.

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