25 Ways A.I. Is Changing Business

by | Oct 22, 2018 | Market Research | 0 comments

artificial intelligence

The possibilities of artificial intelligence have apparently “inebriated various seers into fantasyland” with forecasts of job creation or destruction, or with tales of the technology transforming our world into a utopian good, or into some level of evil.  Fortune Magazine confronts the realities of how A.I. is changing business, but without the melodrama.

Two major issues ground us in terms of what to expect with AI. The first is our inability to predict future innovations. “The reality is that no one knows or can know what’s ahead, not even approximately…[because] we can never foresee human ingenuity.”

The second reality is that A.I.’s uses will be determined largely by market forces. Artificial Intelligence will be used for numerous practical purposes, most of which will be modest.

Click here to view Fortune’s 25 examples of A.I. at work.

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